Candlestick and Pizza Cutter Holder

New Wood Creations , , ,

Today I made a Candlestick Holder and a Pizza Cutter Holder in the shape of a slice of pepperoni pizza. I also have my sign ready to go for when I make TikTok videos since I don’t have a lot of followers yet. This sign will be in each video I make.

Some how while working I got my finger caught while using my vise… the part the you use to turn the vise open and closed, I got my figure caught between that part and the vise itself, not once, not twice, but 4 different times. My vise and I are no longer friends!

The Pizza Cutter Holder is similar to the Ice Cream Scoop Holder I’ve made that is shown here. I will have to admit that ever since I’ve made this holder for my home it’s become a lot easier to find the scoop since it is now on the wall. Not to mention that it makes a really neat wall decoration.